Source code for sciencelogic.device

from sciencelogic.performance_data import PerformanceData

[docs]class Device(object): """ Represents a monitored device """ def __init__(self, device, uri, client, has_details=False, fetch_details=False): """ Instantiate a new Device object :param device: A dict from the /api/device request :type device: ``dict`` :param client: The API client :type client: :class:`Client` """ self._client = client self.uri = uri if not isinstance(device, dict): raise TypeError("Device is not a valid dict") if has_details: self.description = device['name'] else: self.description = device['description'] if not has_details and fetch_details: self._fill_details() else: self.details = device def __repr__(self): return self.description def _fill_details(self): """ Get the detailed information about the device """ device = self._client.get(self.uri) self.details = device.json()
[docs] def get_logs(self, extended_fetch=0, hide_filter_info=1, link_disp_field=None, limit=1000, offset=None): """ Get logs for this device :param extended_fetch: Fetch entire resource if 1 (true), or resource link only if 0 (false). :type extended_fetch: ``bool`` :param hide_filter_info: Suppress filterspec and current filter info :type hide_filter_info: ``bool`` :param link_disp_field: When not using extended_fetch, this determines which field is used for the "description" of the resource link :type link_disp_field: ``list`` :param limit: Number of records to retrieve :type limit: ``int`` :param offset: Specifies the index of the first returned resource within the entire result set :type offset: ``int`` :rtype: ``list`` of ``dict`` """ params = { # defaults 'extended_fetch': extended_fetch, 'hide_filter_info': hide_filter_info, } if link_disp_field is not None: params['link_disp_field'] = ','.join(link_disp_field) if limit: params['limit'] = limit if offset: params['offset'] = offset uri = self.details['logs']['URI'] uri = uri[:uri.find('?')] data = self._client.get(uri, params=params).json()['result_set'] if extended_fetch: return data.values() return [self._client.get(item['URI']).json() for item in data]
[docs] def performance_counters(self): """ Get a list of performance counters for this device :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`PerformanceData` """ if self.details is None: self._fill_details() counters = [] uri = self.details['performance_data']['URI'] for u_data in self._client.get(uri).json()['result_set']: counters.append(PerformanceData(self._client, u_data)) return counters